Some people may consider travelling abroad to have dental implants. However, going to countries such as Poland, Hungary and Romania for dental implants (tooth implants, teeth implants) works out more expensive than you will expect.

In fact, many Eastern European clinics charge more for implants, the crowns that go on top of the implants, and the CT scan that is sometimes required to place an implant.

It’s also important to keep in mind the cost of travelling to and from the country, as at least three visits are necessary for dental implant treatment. On top of that, you will most probably need to stay abroad for up to 24 days, which is the waiting time required for the prosthetics (crowns, bridges, dentures etc.) to be made at the dental laboratories. Staying for long periods abroad can be inconvenient as you will have to take days off work and the costs and hassle of finding accommodation may be stressful enough.

There are many extra costs often overlooked when comparing the overall cost of treatment in addition to the treatment cost, including:

  1. Return flights (several for complex dental restorations)
  2. Car travel (petrol)/ train fares to and from UK airports.
  3. UK airports parking charges
  4. Return taxi fares at the destination airport to hotel/car hire (and petrol) costs
  5. Return taxi fares from the hotel to the clinic (if not using a car)
  6. Hotel accommodation (for up to 24 days for complex implant restorations)
  7. Restaurant and bar bills
  8. Holiday time off work
  9. Travelling back to the country when facing problems with implant, once treatment has finished.


Other consideration with Dental Implant Treatment in Eastern Europe

  1. Are foreign dentists as strictly regulated as UK dentists?
  2. Do foreign dentists have the same level of insurance cover as UK dentists?
  3. What happens if there is a post-operative problem? A patient would need to return to the foreign clinic, since most UK dentists refuse to take over and assume responsibility, especially if the treatment was poorly done.
  4. Will a foreign dentist rectify badly done treatment free of charge?
  5. If the foreign dentist refuses to rectify any faults, how are you going to claim against him?
  6. Are patients prepared to sue a foreign dentist in a foreign court?
  7. What about after-care? Patients have to travel abroad again for this, since most UK dentists refuse to take over the responsibility after treatment is done in a foreign clinic.
  8. What is the quality of the dental implants that they use abroad?


At Smile Cliniq Dental Practice, we offer efficient, high quality dental implants treatment at affordable prices, carried out by Dentists with extended training in Dental Implants. All patients interested in having dental implant treatment are offered a free consultation, where they are given fully detailed information regarding the process of having a dental implant, the advantages and disadvantages, the cost from start to finish, and any advice such as what crowns to place on the implants.

Smile Cliniq in London has been awarded Best Practice in London and thrive to provide patients with the upmost care and quality of service and treatment possible.

If you are interested in having dental implants, and would like to book in for a free consultation, please call us on 0208 343 1133. You can also send us an email at